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Google Algorithm Update: A Complete History

Do you want to gain a better understanding of SEO and improve your strategies accordingly? If yes, check out this complete list of Google algorithm updates from 2013 to 2023.  

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November 2023 core update

The most recent update from Google rolled out on November 2. It is designed for a different ecosystem, confirming the existence of several core algorithms.  

October 2023 core update

The October 2023 core update by Google targets the primary search algorithms to move down the low-quality sites and improve results. 

August 2023 core update

This Google update lasted 16 days and aimed to improve search results. The websites impacted by this update have been expected to see 20% to 80% losses or gains in terms of Google search visibility. 

March 2023 core update

This update was implemented to help Google get better at identifying quality content so users can have relevant search results. This update resulted in very high SERP volatility. 


September 2022 core update

This update was announced on 12 September 2022. While it overlapped the “product reviews update,” SERP volatility was below 6/10, which is quite low for a core update. 

May 2022 core update

This core update was part of a series of updates that Google made to improve how systems access overall content. However, this update does not target any specific sites or pages. 

Dec 2022 - EEAT update

This EEAT update was announced on December 6. It brought many changes to Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Google changed its E-A-T guidelines into E-E-A-T during the rollout. 


November 2021 core update

This core update majorly impacted every vertical in the health industry, which is harder than the previous core updates. 

July 2021 core update

This Google core update was intended to be a part of the June 2021 update. It was rolled out to increase the overall quality of Google’s search results.  

June 2021 core update

This one is the first core update in 2021, aimed to offer users the most relevant and authoritative content. The July 2021 update follows this two-part core update. 

May 2021 - MUM update

The Google MUM update focuses on search intent and providing better results to users by using AI. This update made international search further better. 


December 2020 core update

This update was released before the holiday and heavily impacted the SEO analysis and strategies. It aimed to help Google identify different forms of low-quality content created for search engines. It affected all languages, including English.

May 2020 core update

Rolled out after the COVID-19 outbreak, the May 2020 core update brought corrections to E-A-T with an aim for more diversity. It brought unprecedented SERP volatility as well. 

March 2020 - Mobile-first indexing update

In March 2022, Google rolled out a mobile-first indexing update. As Google mainly uses a site's content in mobile versions, this update helped improve mobile ranking.

January 2020 core update

The January 2020 core update rolled out in only 3 days. It impacted all search results on a global basis and did not target something specific, like speed updates. The guidance for this update is similar to the previous core updates. 


Oct 2019 - BERT Update

BERT refers to NLP, which helps Google understand user search query variations to deliver more relevant results. After this update, Google could better understand the searches and satisfy the users with the right results. 


Sep 2016 - Penguin 4.0

This famous Google update from 2016 penalized websites that engage in web spam activities, like manipulating search rankings through SEO strategy, which goes against Google’s guidelines. 

After the Penguin 4.0 update, it became difficult to manipulate rankings via keyword stuffing and link schemes.  


Oct 2015 - RankBrain

RankBrain is Google’s first deep learning model that helps Google better understand concepts and related words. After Google started using RankBrain, it got better at identifying the most relevant results to searches without fail. 

Jul 2015 - Panda 4.2

The Panda 4.2 update aimed to reduce the rankings of low-quality sites that have copied content from other websites or are just not very useful. 


Oct 2014 - Pirate 2.0

The Pirate 2.0 update rolled out to depreciate pirate websites like Torrent that infringe on copyrights. 

Jul 2014 - Pigeon

The goal of the Pigeon update was to enhance the quality of local searches to deliver better and more relevant results. 

Jun 2014 - Payday Loan 3.0

Released in 2013, the Payday Loan 3.0 is designed to target spammy sites and spammy queries. 


Aug 2013 - Hummingbird

The hummingbird update was a rewrite of Google’s core algorithm. After this update, Google started focusing more on understanding the natural language queries and the context of the words in a search to offer accurate results.


How does Google determine search results?

Google determines search results through factors like language, previous queries, device, and user’s location.

What are Google algorithm history updates?

How many algorithms does Google use in its Search Engine?

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How often does Google update its search algorithm?

What is the name of Google's latest algorithm in 2023?

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